Hi! I'm Minho.

My name is OtacĂ­lio B.L. Neto, but people call me "Minho".

I am a PhD candidate within the Process Control and Automation group at Aalto University (Finland). I hold a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering and a M.Sc. in Teleinformatics Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC, Brazil). My research interests lie on the fields of control theory, dynamic game theory and statistical machine learning, with applications to the optimal control and estimation of large-scale (bio)chemical systems. I also have an interest in algorithmic problem solving and graph theory.

I like teaching. I have engaged with several teaching activities and have worked as teaching assistant for university courses ever since an undergraduate. You can find my lecture notes, tutorials, and general yapping in the Notes page.

If you wish to contact me, please send me an email: otacilio.neto@aalto.fi.